Tamiya 95676 - Jr Cyclone Magnum Polycarbone Body Special (AR Chassis) Fully Cowled Mini 4WD 30th Anniversary  [95676]

Tamiya 95676 - Jr Cyclone Magnum Polycarbone Body Special (AR Chassis) Fully Cowled Mini 4WD 30th Anniversary
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alt="Tamiya 95676 - Jr Cyclone Magnum Polycarbone Body Special (AR Chassis) Fully Cowled Mini 4WD 30th Anniversary" title="Tamiya 95676 - Jr Cyclone Magnum Polycarbone Body Special (AR Chassis) Fully Cowled Mini 4WD 30th Anniversary"
This will be a unique version for the Cyclone Magnum which include a polycarbonate human anatomy. It commemorates the 30th anniversary of completely Cowled Mini 4WD racing devices.

• Mini 4WD model installation kit. Length: 155mm, width: 97mm, height: 41mm.
• The lightweight, rigid polycarbonate body (clear) (Item 95611) has an integral rear wing.
• The reinforced AR chassis is molded in white PC-ABS plastic and combined with blue low friction A parts.
• Fluorescent green polypropylene spiral spoke wheels are combined with black super-hard, little diameter low profile tires.
• In addition to clear stickers from Item 95611, the dedicated anniversary logo sticker (blue) can be included.
• Type 130 motor is included. The model features a 3.5: 1 gear ratio.
• Two AA batteries are expected (sold individually).
• once you paint the body, please usage PS-1 White.

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