Yokomo YT-20RTBA YOKOMO Racing tool 2.0mm Hex driver  [YT-20RTBA]

Yokomo YT-20RTBA YOKOMO Racing tool 2.0mm Hex driver
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That is a new race tool that you need to absolutely make use of for device assembly and maintenance. With a lacey package that includes a 2.0mm tip bit for tightening the 3mm screws which can be most often used when assembling machines, and a stylish black anodized aluminum handle, the product is of an excellent which can be confidently recommended to any or all radio-controlled automobile users. We've accomplished incredibly reasonable prices that overturns traditional knowledge.
Although it is a good device that can meet up with the requirements of expert users, its cost causes it to be an ideal product for newbies. By buying it on top of that since the kit, the assembly will likely to be far better. High-carbon metal is a tremendously durable product, therefore it will become a typical in your toolbox as a long-lasting screwdriver.

Remark :
Due to limited stock availability, please notice that some Yokomo items may have to order from the factory and the ready time is around 4-6 weeks. Customer purchases the item is assumed to accept the waiting time which allows us to order directly from the manufacturer if the item is out of our warehouse.

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